Useful Information
What is Maths?
Negative Numbers
Proof by Exhaustion
Why We Count to 10
The Decimal Revolution
The Invention of Algebra
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TED Talks
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The Mathematics of War
Super Symmetry
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Mathematical Perspectives
Spotting Bad Statistics
Useful Websites
The Nature of Mathematics
Fibonacci Numbers
The Golden Number
Database of the History of Maths and Mathematicians
Axioms, Theorems and Proofs - How Maths Works
The Misuse of Statistics
The Growth and Development of Maths
Fractals as Art
Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics
The Indispensibility of Maths to Science
Math World
Essays on the Philosophy of Maths
Maths Essays from J.R. Lucas
Maths Puzzles
The History of Maths
The Art of Mathematics
The Philosophy of Mathematics