What the
TOK Syllabus has to say about … Language
Key Quotations:
‘Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides.’ Rita
Mae Brown
‘Words form the thread on which we string our experiences’ Aldous Huxley
“How strangely do we diminish a thing as soon as we try to
express it in words” Maeterlinck
Language is so much a part of human activity that it
is easily taken for granted. The issues related to language and knowledge call
for conscious scrutiny in order to recognize its influence on thought and behaviour.
Language can be thought of as a symbol system,
engaged in representing the world, capturing and communicating thought and
experience. Language also can be seen as existing in itself, as something to be
played with and transformed and shaped in its own right and something that can
transform and shape thought and action.
Questions about … the Nature of language
What different functions does language perform? Which are
most relevant in creating and communicating knowledge?
What did Aldous Huxley (1947) mean
when he observed that “Words form the thread on which we string our
experiences”? To what extent is it possible to separate our experience of the
world from the narratives we construct of them?
In what ways does written language differ from spoken
language in its relationship to knowledge?
Is it reasonable to argue for the preservation of
established forms of language, for example, as concerns grammar, spelling,
syntax, meaning or use? Is one language common to the whole world a defensible
What is the role of language in creating and reinforcing
social distinctions, such as class, ethnicity and gender?
What is the role of language in sustaining relationships of
authority? Do people speak the same way to inferiors and superiors in a
hierarchy? Does the professional authority speak in the same way as the person
seeking opinion or advice? Can control of written language create or reinforce
How does technological change affect the way language is
used and the way communication takes place? How might innovations in language,
such as Internet chat or text messaging, be assessed:
as contributions to or assaults against how language and communication “should
Questions about … Language and culture
If people speak more than one language, is what they know
different in each language? Does each language provide a different framework
for reality?
How is the meaning of what is said affected by silences and
omissions, pace, tone of voice and bodily movement? How might these factors be
influenced in turn by the social or cultural context?
What is lost in translation from one language to another?
To what degree might different languages shape in their
speakers different concepts of themselves and the world? What are the implications
of such differences for knowledge?
Questions about … Language and thought
How have spoken sounds acquired meaning? What is the
connection between the sounds and what they are taken to represent? Given that
a word such as “tree” groups together a lot of different individual objects,
what is lost in using language to describe the world? What are the advantages?
Is it possible to think without language? How does language
facilitate, extend, direct or limit thinking?
To what extent does language generalize individual
experience, classifying it within the experience of a linguistic group? On the
other hand, to what extent do some kinds of personal experience elude expression
in language?
Can language be compared with other human forms of symbolic
representation, such as conventionalized gestures, sign language for the deaf,
dance, painting, music or mathematics? What might language share with these
other forms in the communication of what we know? In what ways might it be
considered distinct?
How do “formal languages”, such as computer-programming
languages or mathematics, compare with the conventional written and spoken
languages of everyday discourse?
Questions about … Language and knowledge
How does the capacity to communicate personal experiences and
thoughts through language affect knowledge? To what extent does knowledge
actually depend on language: on the transmission of concepts from one person or
generation to another, and on exposure of concepts or claims to public
How does language come to be known? Is the capacity to
acquire language innate?
In most of the statements heard, spoken, read or written,
facts are blended with values. How can an examination of language distinguish
the subjective and ideological biases as well as values that statements may
contain? Why might such an examination be desirable?
Links to the Areas of Knowledge
To what extent is it possible to overcome ambiguity and
vagueness in language? In what contexts might ambiguity either impede knowledge
or contribute to its acquisition? Does the balance between precision and
ambiguity alter from one area of knowledge to another?
What do we gain, and what do we lose, when we name
something? Do different areas of knowledge manage differently the balance
between particularity and generality?
How do the words we use to describe an idea affect our
understanding of the world? For example, is “globalization” a synonym for
“westernization”? What is the meaning of the term “anti-globalization”? Does it
matter which words we use?
How does the language used to describe the past (for
example, a massacre, an incident, a revolt) change history? Does something
similar occur when different terms are used to describe natural phenomena
(greenhouse effect, global warming, sustainable
development) or human behaviour (refugee, asylum seeker)?
How important are technical terms in different areas of
knowledge? Is their correct use a necessary or sufficient indicator of
understanding? The following illustrative examples relate to the Diploma
To what degree might each area of knowledge be seen as
having its own language? Its own culture? Group
1: metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, synecdoche, genre, sonnet, haiku
Group 2: preposition,
active/passive, pluperfect, genitive, creole, dialect
Group 3: cost–benefit
analysis, price elasticity, evapotranspiration, neo-fascism
Group 4: symbiosis,
allotrope, ergonomics, trophic level, entropy
Group 5: irrational number,
asymptote, dot product, isomorphism
Group 6: dynamic content, L
cut, sonata, dramaturgy, trompe