RLS / KQ Pairs

These sets of Real Life Situations and Knowledge Questions are taken from the 2009 to 2014 TOK Subject Reports.


Real life situation: BBC article: Why the brain sees maths as beauty

Knowledge issue: What is the role of aesthetic pleasure in mathematical knowledge?


Real life situation: The assassination of John Kennedy 50 years ago

Knowledge Issue: How can we separate myth from reality in history?


Real life situation: Article in The Economist regarding the success of modern science

Knowledge Issue: Does competitiveness in science augment the production of knowledge?


Real life situation: Map showing the top twenty world arms exporters

Knowledge Issue: Does the possession of knowledge carry an ethical responsibility?


Real life situation: 2013 Nobel Prize in economics given to trio who disagree about market efficiency

Knowledge Issue: What is the role of disagreement in the production of knowledge?


Real life situation: Examples of geographical maps which distort the territory

Knowledge issue: How can distorted representations give us knowledge?


Real life situation: The correlation between smoking and lung cancer

Knowledge Issue: How does emotion help or hinder our understanding of correlation?


Real life situation: UN warns of looming food crisis in 2013

Knowledge Issue: How do we know what is a fact?


Real life situation: The Ekeko amulet of the Andean Altiplano believed to bring wealth to its worshipper.

Knowledge Issue: Why do people hold beliefs for which there is no evidence?


Real life situation: Wiki Leaks and the publication of secret information and news leaks.

Knowledge issue: Should there be censorship of knowledge for the public good?


Real life situation: The works of Salvador Dali

Knowledge Issue: To what extent do we have to know about an artist to understand his or her art?


Real life situation: Attempted assassination of Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai for promoting girls¡¦ education.

Knowledge Issue: Why do we need a tragedy before we act on knowledge that we have?

Knowledge Issue: To what extent can we use reason to evaluate two competing ethical systems?


Real life situation: Renaming of cities in India

Knowledge Issue: To what extent do labels affect our perception?


Real-life situation: Vesalius in 1543 disproving the Galen theory that men had a rib less than women

Knowledge Issue: What is the role of emotion in shaping our beliefs?


Real-life situation: Whistle-blower Edward Snowden and NSA¡¦s obtaining of American telephone records

Knowledge Issue: How do we know which perspective to believe?


Real-life situation: Airbrushed make-up advertisements banned because they mislead

Knowledge Issue: How do we know when we have a moral obligation to act?


Real-life situation: The painting ¡§On Strike¡¨ by Hubert von Herkomer

Knowledge issue: What role does language play in the accumulation of knowledge in the visual arts?


Real-life situation: An article about robot warrior technology and the future of warfare

Knowledge Issue: How can we distinguish between innovation and progress?


Real life situation: Scientific study, which shows that 1970s predictions about the environment were wrong

Knowledge Issue: Must all good explanations make successful predictions?

Knowledge issue: How can we know when we have a good scientific explanation?

Knowledge Issue: To what extent is a scientific explanation more convincing than other types of explanation?


Real life situation: Historian David Irving‟s views on the Holocaust

Knowledge Issue: How can we know which interpretation of an event in history to accept?

Knowledge Issue: How can we draw a clear line between fact and interpretation in history?

Knowledge Issue: What makes an event historically significant?


Real life situation: Scientists present new findings in their search for the Higgs boson.

Knowledge Issue: How much evidence do scientists need before they can accept a theory?

Knowledge Issue: How can we be sure that evidence gained through the use of technology is genuine?

Knowledge Issue: What is the scope of the scientific method in attempting to establish truths?


Real life situation: The Anders Breivik mass murder case in Norway

Knowledge issue: To what extent should emotion play a role in the evaluation of knowledge claims?

Knowledge issue: To what extent is emotion a better guide to what is ethical than reason?

Knowledge Issue: Are there any absolute moral truths?


Real life situation: Widespread use of publicity in English in my Spanish speaking country

Knowledge Issue: To what extent does use of a non-native language affect attitudes to knowledge?

Knowledge issue: To what extent does the language we use affect our perception of the world?


Real life situation: Marc Quinn‟s "Self", a frozen sculpture of the artist‟s head made from his own blood.

Knowledge issue: Are there limits to what is acceptable in art?


Real life situation: Messages taken to outer space in the form of diagrams

Knowledge Issue: To what extent are diagrams less culturally dependent than language?


Real life situation: A move to make history a compulsory school subject up to age 16

Knowledge Issue: To what extent should academic disciplines be ranked according to their usefulness?


Real life situation: The use of a personality test to assess students in the class

Knowledge Issue: What are the strengths and limitations of quantification in the human sciences?


Real life situation: The connection between being a smoker and one¡¥s parents being smokers

Knowledge Issue: How does a scientific explanation distinguish between correlation and causation?


Real life situation: The cartoons of Prophet Muhammed published in Denmark in 2005

Knowledge Issue: How can we know if and when artistic freedom of expression should be limited?


Real life situation: The end of the Cold War as depicted in the song 'Winds of Change.'

Knowledge Issue: In what ways do the arts influence people's perspectives of current events?


Real life situation: Collecting data in physics class but correcting it to match the 'proven' theory

Knowledge Issue: To what extent is faith a reliable way of knowing?