Course Information
What is TOK?
Reading List - Non Fiction
Reading List - Fiction
Useful Websites
The TED Talks - an excellent collection of short lectures from great thinkers
The Sputnik Observatory - excellent collection of short video clips
IB TOK Blogspot - loads of useful ideas and guidance for the essays and presentations
The Edge
Amy Scott
Mr. Duncan's TOK Website
IB a Student
The Exploratorium
Biblio Connections
Anagnosis Books
The Philosopher's Magazine Online
Philosophy Now Magazine Online
National Geographic Online
The Sceptic Magazine Online
Snopes - Exposing Urban Legends
The Philosophy Pages - An Encyclopaedia of Philosophers & Philosophical Terms
The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
The Oxford University Philosophy Page
The A-Z of Almost Everything Philosophical
TOK Help - Textbook Excerpts
TOK Notes - Examination of the AOKs
TOK Blog - British International School in Phuket
Essay and Presentation Advice
Zeno's Coffeehouse - A Variety of TOK Conundrums
Christianity Today
Atheism at About
Marxists Org
Infidels Org
The Grazian Archives
Arts & Letters Daily
Up Close Podcasts from the University of Melbourne
Pro / Con - A Series of Arguments For and Against a Wide Variety of Issues
Philosophy for TOK Guide