The Essay ¡V
The Rules
You must:
a 1600 word essay in response to one of the six set questions that will be
provided to you at the beginning of Grade 12;
word count includes the main part of the essay and any quotations but it does
not include the footnotes, any maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations
or tables used and the bibliography;
footnote every reference used and include a bibliography at the end.
In cases where factual claims are fundamental to the argument such claims
should always be checked and a proper, traceable source supplied.
You should:
thoroughly using one of the detailed Planning Forms that are available on this
in the Official Planning Form that can also be found on this webpage
great care over structuring your essay carefully and expressing your ideas
clearly when you are writing, the main problem facing most TOK examiners is
that it is just not clear what the student is trying to say or that there essay
jumps all over the place without following a sensible, clear train of thought;
sure that you don¡¦t just answer the question in an abstract philosophical
manner or by just referring to the answers given by an external source or
expert, the examiners are looking for your personal and well considered
response to the questions and the essay should express your own conclusions,
not anybody else¡¦s;
carefully and in detail the knowledge questions raised by a your chosen title,
a detailed exploration will require you to consider the claims for a given
argument, the counterclaims against it, any potential responses to this and an evaluation
of the seriousness of the problem and the success of the response;
your claims (and counterclaims) with convincing evidence coming from a variety
of sources, e.g. researched examples, examples from other cultures or credible
personal experiences (e.g. internal assessments that you have undertaken, your
EE or elements of your CAS programme;
you identify connections between different areas of knowledge and ways of knowing;
you consider different perspectives, such as the perspective that experts from
the different AOKs would have on the same question,
different cultural perspectives, the perspectives of different philosophers or
thinkers, the perspective of thinkers from different schools of thought ¡K etc